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Thank you so much for your contribution! 

Newport Band Parents Association (NBPA) is the association of all Newport High School (Bellevue, WA) Band families coming together to make the band experience a great one!  As a band family you are a NBPA member! 

We have a fudiciary Board [President/Treasurer/Secretary/Volunteer Coordinator] voted in by the members and many volunteers working in tandem to make the department run smoothly. Please consider volunteering: 

  1. Uniform & game day volunteers - every marching event requires volunteers to assist students with uniforms and band equipment.
  2. Meal Service - parents either donate or turn in receipts for food preparation, parents setup and serve every meal & clean-up afterwards.
  3. NBPA GALA/Fundraising Event - We are looking for a Chairperson for 2025 along with volunteers. Are you interested in perhaps creating a management team? Maybe you would like to procure items for an auction or donate items? Would you like to help arrange the schedule/volunteers/check-in guests/check-out guests/make bid sheets/enter items into the catalog....please contact NBPA ( to make inquiries.
  4. Photographer - did you see that great photo of your student? We have been blessed with some great amateur & professional parent/sibling photographers.
  5. Uniform cleaning/maintenance - throughout the year these folks make sure there is a marching uniform for every student, as well as keep them clean (gauntlets are taken home and laundered, pants/jackets are delivered & picked up from professional laundry service, shakos are hand cleaned).Travel chaperones - did you know every time your student loads a bus for travel there are several parent volunteers to make sure they have guidance and are safe (please watch for opportunities in Director Mahaffey's notices).
  6. Concert & performance volunteers - parents take time to arrive early & stay late to be available to help with any setup, selling tickets & snacks (when applicable), meals/snacks for judges/coaches (when applicable).
  7. Marketing - all of the wonderful signs, Website, emails, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat are prepared by parent volunteers to ensure communication to every member.

Please contact the Newport Band Parents Association through the website,, or visit one of our social sites for more information.